22 November 2008


Last Saturday, we took our kids to California, and surprised them with a trip to the Magic Kingdom. We went with our good friends the Cotterells, and stayed for 5 whole days! (which guarantees that I don't want to go again for a while.) We are definately a Disney family, even Jeff has been converted, I think. He loves to go with the kids. So we got back early this morning, around 3am (I am still buzzing from the 3 AMPs I drank for the ride home). So while we love Mickey and the gang, it's always nice to come back home.

Josh the HERO!

Josh the super computer doctor saved my computer! So I am back in business! Read below for an update of all that you've missed!

Poor little man

The night before Sue went in for surgery, Ethan was jumping on the couch, and fell onto the coffee table. We just thought he bumped his neck, and like good parents, sent him to bed. The next morning, he was complaining of his shoulder hurting, so I took him to the Instacare. And guess what? He has a broken clavacle. And now that Ethan knows that is the right term, he tells people that he "has broken clavacle-that means collarbone". He will be in a sling for about 4 weeks, but so far, it hasn't bothered him too much. Except when Lauren pokes him and asks "Does that hurt?"

Sue in the hospital

I won't post a picture, because I know Sue would be mad, but after a month in and out of the hospital, she finally had a surgery to remove a blockage from her small intestine. The surgery was a success(an eight and a half hour surgery), and she is recovering. Considering all my mother-in-law has been through, she is doing so well. It's going to be a slow recovery, but worth it in the long run. We are glad she made it through okay. Soon she will be back on solid foods, and out of the hospital. we love you, Sue!

Trick or Treat

For Halloween this year, The girls dressed as witches and Ethan was a Jedi (with a light saber). We had a really fun day, first at the school parade, which cousins Morgan and Justin came to, and then trick or treating all over. We went to go visit Grandma Sue in the hospital, then we went to Jeff's work, then to Grandma Maynard's with all the cousins, then to Grandma Silcox's, then home to our neighborhood. It was raining a little, but a little precipitation can't stop us!!

my Halloween wreath

I had a great idea to make a wreath for my front door. When I thought of the idea, I had a cute, fun wreath in mind, but it kind of turned out not so friendly. Good thing it was a Halloween wreath. Except that I was really busy the week after Halloween and I didn't take things down until the following Friday. So maybe my house wasn't so welcoming. At least I didn't get any solicitors!

Yay for 30!

I am now thirty! It feels exactly the same as 29. Weird! Special thanks to Brynn for taking this picture.

09 November 2008

out of commission

my motherboard is broken. and no, that's not code for something else. So that is why there has been no posting lately. But rest assured, as soon as my laptop is fixed, i will be back, so check back!