15 December 2009

Who doesn’t love ruffles?

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Now that I own a sewing machine, I sometimes look for cute projects on other people’s blogs.  I saw a tutorial online on how to make ruffle-y skirts and I thought I would make my girls Christmas skirts. Originally, they were going to be red, white and green, but as I was sewing them, I was thinking, they should be going to a mexican fiesta. I showed Jeff and he said it looked like a ruffled flag of Mexico. So I took off the green. Now they just look like candy canes.

Anyway, these were my first real sewing projects. I have made some jammies and pillowcases, but they were pretty easy. These skirts were a little more intense. So in my head, they are darling, probably because I am proud of myself for sewing them. So if they are actually, not in fact very cute, please don’t tell me. I would like to go on believing that I am nurturing a talent.


Lindsay said...

"sew" super cute..
However i believe you really want to make a third..
I will send you Zoie's size

Alayne said...

Those are adorable!!! Trevor doesn't know that I know... but I'm getting a sewing machine for Christmas and definitely want to make these! Where did you find the tutorial? They really are amazing!!!

janalee said...

They are so sweet :) and I like the red/white without the green. Awesome sewing job!

Courtnie said...

Love them Stac! They are not ugly, and if they were, you know I'd tell you! Ha ha. Just kidding. I would love the website of the tutorial for Ashlyn. . .

Amanda said...

Way Way Way cute! I too would love the site. Always looking for more projects to sew. You should have save the red, green and white one for Cinco De Mayo! Ole!

Jordan said...

How cute!!! Go you! And I'm totally not just saying that- when Ryleigh gets bigger I will have to have you make her one :)

ba and the boys said...

bonner-you are the best semstress ever! i want a girl to make cute clothes for! but not enogh to get pregnant...

WanderingJennie said...

Those skirts are stinkin' awesome! You're the best Mom ever!

Anonymous said...

Alright Stac... what's the website? I gotta give this one a try! SUPER CUTE!

Wendi said...

Wow you made those skirts. I remember seeing them at church. Very impressive. You go girl!!!!